Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Weeks Have Been Crazy

There has been a lot to do the past few weeks. Well, even after going through all the forms for the Navy, yesterday I found out that I would not be able to go in the Navy, because of my financial situation. I am going to seek other avenues, so that I can take care of my family and my financial obligations. What I look forward to this Christmas is going to my parent's house and celebrating. We have a couple more weeks before that happens, but it is something that I look forward to this Christmas holiday. It is probably about the only time that we are able to get the whole family together. As the time approaches, it will get a little busier. It will not be so busy that there is not enough time to get alone with God. Life is never so crazy that we cannot set aside the craziness to talk and fellowship with God.

What is this holiday for?
Not for shopping and giving of gifts,
But for sharing and caring for hearts,
That would be lost and in the cold.

What do we celebrate this season?
Jesus should be the reason.
Have we forgotten what happened long ago?
In the little town of Bethlehem.

Why do we take Christ out of Christmas?
Just so we can get all the gifts on our list.
The greatest gift was sent to earth,
And that is why we celebrate His birth.

He alone can bring peace on earth,
He alone is our life's worth,
He gave all that He had to give,
So that we all might live.

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