Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Reason For Praise

You ask me why I smile and I sing,
Because Christ has become my heart's King.
I know that it is hard to smile in the storm,
But with my Comforter, smiling is the norm.

This praise comes from an imperfect heart,
And Christ has filled the empty part.
The burdens we bear have been made light,
The sin we were in has been made right.*
(Through salvation, Christ has imparted His righteousness.)

I will praise Him even when there are no words left,
He hid me in the rock that was cleft.
He has guided and protected me for a while,
And I am longing for Him, as a little child.

It takes a faith of a little child to understand,
What Christ has done; what God has planned.
Come to Him as child in need of a father's love,
To know the love that Christ brought down from above.

The reason for praise was Christ's sacrifice,
Because we know that nothing else would suffice.
To have a heart filled with praise,
You have to know the Author of all of our days.

-Wade Jinright

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